apt-get clean & apt-get update & apt-get upgrade -y & apt-get dist-upgrade -y 4. Update, Upgrade, Dist-UpgradeĬlean, update, upgrade and dist-upgrade your Kali installation. Kali Linux 2.x – Kali Sana details and explanations can be found in adding official Kali Linux 2.0 – Kali Sana Repositories page. Kali Linux 1.x details and explanations can be found in adding official Kali Linux 1.x Repositories page. Kali Linux 1.x users – you can keep using the repo below: # Regular repositoriesĭeb-src kali/updates main contrib non-free Kali Linux 2.0 – Kali Sana users – Use the following Repo list: # Regular repositoriesĭeb-src sana/updates main contrib non-free leafpad /etc/apt/sources.listĬomment or remove existing config with the following lines: The simplest way is to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list remove or comment every-line with # at the front and add the following lines.
Read the full article on fixing Wired Network interface “Device not managed” error in Debian or Kali Linux. If you want NetworkManager to handle interfaces that are enabled in /etc/network/interfaces: Set managed=true in /etc/NetworkManager/nf. Fix Device not managed error – wired network
But if you have some more CPU and GPU power to spare, you might want to try to make it look more colorful. Kali Linux is made to boot up fast and low of resources. These are day to day software’s that are available in most other Linux distributions or at least I think they should be made available as part of a default installation. They are not specific to Kali Linux only and you might be leave them as it is, but I found that if I see an error my OCD kicks in and I have to make it go away…Ī collection of utilities and software’s I found useful. This section shows you how to resolve of those. Kali Linux inherits a lot of the issues from Debian Linux. Kali Linux is a special build from Debian. Standard packages contains anything and everything I found useful. Use this guide at your own risk for Kali Linux 2.0 – Kali Sana. I am working best to write a guide on Kali Linux 2.0 – Kali Sana. WARNING: Following guide was written and tested for Kali Linux 1.x.
so that’s an easy way to give me feedback and opinion. If you have a suggestion, let me know via comments section. Your requirement’s might be completely different. This is my top list of 20 things to do after installing Kali Linux. Because I got multiple laptops and workstations, I’ve tried to generalize the following instructions to suit everyone’s(including mine?) requirements. I’ve compiled a small list of things that I always perform after installing a fresh copy of Kali Linux in this post. 20 things to do after installing Kali Linux 1.x