Plenty of upgrades and achievements keep the game interesting.Nearly everything in the Goat World is interactive-create explosions and crashes.Run free, head butt, steal things by licking them, and wreak havoc.Everything you do earns points-even getting hit by a truck!.Goat Simulator is a great way to blow off some steam. Sometimes the game's objective instructions are difficult to decipher but are worth taking the time to accomplish. You can also search for trophies hidden around the goat world. Get on rooftops or attack air vehicles using antigravity goat or jetpack goat. Fun goat skins included robot goat, Dead Maus goat (can cause everyone to dance), cheer goat (throws explosive pom-poms), "tall goat" (i.e. You can unlock new goat skins and their accompanying abilities by accomplishing in-game objectives (like headbutting a certain person out of a window or ringing a school bell).

Whatever destruction you want to create, you can probably do it in the Goat Simulator. Move parked cars onto the highway to cause collisions and create realistic explosions. Use your long, sticky tongue to steal and carry items around. Smash through windows, headbutt passerby, kick and jump to wreak havoc in this digital world where nearly everything is interactive. Goat Simulator is a unique game where you wreak havoc with a goat in a simulated world.